We are pleased to offer "Wellies in the Woods" sessions.
What is wellies in the woods?
In the short of it all; it has similarities to Forest school but without the fire. The Round Moat in Fowlmere where these sessions take place acts as our learning environment for the children to explore managed risks and identify hazards in outdoor spaces.
All staff at Playgroup are trained to provide this excellent outdoor experience, and we run half-termly blocks (6 weeks) at two different points throughout the academic year for the rising 5 children. We spend each session focusing upon a different story and complete a number of activities relating to it.
What are the benefits of outdoor learning?
• Improves physical/mental health and well-being.
• Increases self-esteem, independence & self-confidence.
• Enhances ability to work cooperatively; developing problem-solving and team-building skills
• Boosts social, physical & communication skills.
• Gives knowledge & understanding of the wider world and teaches life skills
• Deepens children’s connection with nature whilst helping children understand lifecycles and the importance of respecting nature for future generations.
• Enables children to experience different seasons/types of weather and spend more time outside and being active.
For more information on wellies in the woods please see https://www.groundwork.org.uk/projects/wellies-in-the-woods/
Example lesson plan:

Children being the “Highway Rat” wearing their masks and riding their horse they have made around the woods.

Children using the binoculars they made to find Elmer’s hiding around the woods.

We checked to make sure we had found all of the fruit / food items from the Hungry caterpillar story together as a group by double checking the story.
Our natural collage butterflies from our Hungry Caterpillar session.

Chosen objects found around the Moat to complete our “Room on the Broom” spell in our cauldron!