Fowlmere Playgroup is a non-profit making charity (no 1024798).
All income received from either fees or funding is retained by the Playgroup to cover rent, staff wages, equipment and resources. The prompt payment of fees is vital to help the playgroup meet its financial obligations.
We ask that all payments are made as per the bill parents/carers receive at the start of each half-term. As per the parental contract (which you are asked to sign when your child starts) this should be at the latest within 28 days of the invoice date.
Please note that if you wish to change the number of sessions your child attends playgroup, please contact Jasmine. Adequate notice of at least six weeks is required.
We are now happy to be able to open on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm, however this is under review on a term-by-term basis.
Government Funding
All three and four year olds (and eligible two year olds) are entitled to up to 15 hours of free and flexible Cambridge County Council funding plus an 15 hours of extended entitlement (for those eligible). This funding, which is paid directly to the playgroup, contributes towards the costs of up to 30 hours a week.
Find out if you are eligible for 30 hours here. Note: you will need to apply for the code each term.
You may split the hours between 2 providers and the free entitlement can also include lunchtime. Any costs over and above these vouchers will have to be paid for by the parent/carer at the current rate. A funding contract will be sent home at the beginning of the term your child turns three, and at each term thereafter.
Childcare Vouchers
Fowlmere Playgroup accepts childcare vouchers. If you would like further information please contact our treasurer via fowlmereplaygroup@hotmail.co.uk